
I offer the best part of me to you. A collection of original poetry. Thank you for viewing. Enjoy!

Wearing My Fabric

My shirt is worn,

And patches adorn,

My sleeve is ripped,

The seams are torn,

The color has faded to a dusty blue,

In some spots bleach has eaten through,

But I wear my fabric- the skin of my life,

I sew a new patch with every battle I fight,

I’m not ashamed that I’m not starched and clean,

Cuz it’s a reflection of what life really means,

Sometimes we get dirty; sometimes we get worn,

Sometimes we get beat down and get a little torn,

So when I feel that I can’t put up another fight,

I look back at what I’ve overcome on my fabric of life.


What Mom Never Said

Don’t be ashamed of tears,

Or make jokes to hide them,

Never walk with your head down,

GOD aint’ down there,


Never decide to marry or divorce for money,

Love people even when it’s hard,

Laugh is the best exercise,


Hug someone you don’t know at least once,

Tip well always,

Confidence goes with everything; wear it daily,


Hug your kids while they let you,

Eat like you grew it,

Be sincere,




Free Yourself

I’ve decided to cut the strings on a puppet show

That’s gone on too long,

I know it may seem sudden,

But it’s time that to move on,

Since I’ve never been free ,

I’m not sure if I can stand,

But I believe God is holding my hand,

My knees may buckle,

One may touch the ground,

But I’ll die before I turn back around,

I finally realized what no one ever said,

As long as I let these strings are holding me,

I’ll never get ahead,

So please don’t worry about me,

I’m alone but no longer afraid,

I finally realized what it takes to be saved,

Self determination, love and faith.

Are Your Kids Wearing Your Scars?


My Mother’s Daughter

I am my mother’s daughter,

Aint I proud of that.

Things could be worse you know,

What if I was never born,

If I never had a chance to have my son,

Yes I am my mother’s daughter

Aint I proud of that,

My mother aint perfect but she sure can laugh,

And when she smiles I can’t help but smile right back,

Still admired by the men with sass and class,

Yes, I’m my mother’s daughter,

Aint I proud of that,

She aint just looks,

No she’s bright as a star,

Can do math quick as lightning,

Beautiful, kind and smart,

Smartest person I think I know,

And that aint bad,

Yes, I’m my mother’s daughter

Aint I so proud of that.


Original Poems by Teresa Clay

Are Your Kids Wearing Your Scars?

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